Sunday, August 16, 2009

This is what brothers are for....

The last few days I have just been thinking about those American heroes that put there lives on the line for me every single day...

I am in a state of complete awe, reverence, gratitude, and support for our Armed Forces.

Let me just go off on a political tangent for a can people call themselves Americans and not completely support the men and women who fight to defend that right?! Anyone who has ever taken a history class (or has been alive?) knows what sacrifices have been made to position our Nation where it is today.

Thank God for selfless individuals who are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice, even for those who protest their efforts...I am currently surrounded by many of these people at A&M and have the utmost respect for them...

"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13

Today I heard the song "Brothers" by Dean Brody, which is about a brother who leaves for war against his younger brother's wishes, but he continually reminds him that "this is what brothers are for." Every time I hear it I remember my good friend, Lt. Zachary Cook, who lost his life in January serving our country. I stood before an American flag at graduation on Friday singing my National Anthem...since January, and I am sure for the rest of my life, I will not be able to do this without tears filling my eyes. Those stars and stripes have taken on a complete different meaning for me, so forgive me if I get frustrated when someone refuses to put their hand on their heart or take that seriously. I cannot even imagine how veterans and those currently serving must feel when the people they are fighting for refuse to show their gratitude or even blatently protest their efforts... "forgive them for they know not what they do"

probably exactly how my Savior felt...laying down his life for a world who rejected him and continues to do so to this day...

"Greater love has no one than this, that He lay down his life for his friends."

I could probably go on forever, but I think I might actually get some sleep tonight...

God bless America. God bless our troops. God bless.

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