Friday, August 7, 2009

I have found my Love and my heart is rejoicing...

I want you to meet the One I have fallen completely in love with....

He is in a constant, passionate pursuit of me
He created flowers just for me
He answers every time I call
He wrote 66 books of love letters to me
He loves to fish...the Fisher of Men
He is my strength in weakness
He is enthralled by my beauty...created me in the image of the Most Beautiful One
He loves to hear me sing...especially to Him
He holds me when i'm hurting...while His heart is breaking
He loves me unconditionally, though I fail Him over and over and over
He wants to be involved in every moment of my every day
He paints a beautiful sunset every morning for me, reminding me that it cannot even compare to my beauty
He begins tugging on my heart and calling me when He misses me
He is amazing at the ultimate long distance relationship
He loves being the topic of conversation
He really did hang the moon
He loves his family more than anything
He introduced me to the most amazing girls...and rejoices in my girl time
He always provides
He spoils me with the sights and sounds of His creation for me
He carries my strongest and weakest
He encourages me relentlessly
He challenges and makes me to be a better person...but forgives me every time I fail
He brings the only Peace that can calm me when I'm stressed or angry
He knows my needs even before i do
He is constantly surprising me..while remaining a complete mystery
He is always with me
He delights tremendously in just spending quality time with me
He will NEVER lie to me or cheat on me...even though I lie to and cheat on Him with worldly distractions
He knows me better than I know myself
He would....and did....give his life for me

He is the Love of my life...the Author and Perfector of my faith...Perfect Peace....

He is my everything

I you know Him?

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